Why Mystery Shopping and Why You Need It
Mystery Shopping Services is crucial in any industry in UAE, Saudi Arabia and the GCC as a whole, which incorporates any interaction, between employees and customers. The Mystery Shopping exercise began in the 1940s as a way to measure employee professional integrity and adherence to set company processes, guidelines and standards.
The Mystery Shopping Solutions in UAE is based mostly on actual usage of the client services by mystery shoppers who note their observation on a pre-designed questionnaire form based on the observation of operations, procedures and the service delivery process, we provied Mystery Shopping Services In UAE , Mystery Shopping in Saudi Arabia and en to end Mystery Shopping solution.
Mystery Shopping service is a great predictor of future Customer Satisfaction trends, as such by acquiring unbiased objective evaluation, this helps the industry player to be able to:
- Identify opportunities for improving the level of performance
- Identify best & worst practices
- Identify defects & flaws
- Quantify performance levels
- Acquire detailed qualitative insight into the service delivery process
- Ensure that services provided adhere to company & market standards
- Reveal the actual customer experience
All this in the end helps the company in strategically:
- Attracting new customers
- Retaining current customers
- Tracking performance over time
- Measuring training efforts
- Identify training need
And Tactically in:
- Recognizing & rewarding valuable agents (incentives)
- Monitoring agent’s compliance with procedures
- Keeping agents alert at all times