Project Description

Market Assessment of Lamb Market in UAE

  • Australian lamb meat market in UAE is highly attractive market with substantial growth prospect and demand-supply gap. The sheep meat market in the UAE was estimated at 65,052 tons in 2020, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% during 2020-2025, to reach 83,690 tons, presenting an attractive opportunity for domestic farming companies. Market by value was estimated to be about USD852 million, and expected to reach USD 1.1 billion, recording a CAGR of 5.4%
  • UAE sheep meat market is dominated by imports, with over 58% (or 37,868 tons) of total demand in 2020 was met through imports. UAE mainly imports fresh sheep meat from countries like Australia, India, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Australian meat is mainly supplied to HORECA segment while Indian and African breeds are also popular among retail customers. UAE imports very few live sheep, and the imports are allowed only from approved countries. Majority of the domestic demand for live sheep are met through domestic supply
  • Domestic live sheep market is highly fragmented market with presence of over 30,000 traditional sheep farms in the country. These sheep farms operate a family owned business and rely mostly on the imported feed to rear sheep. Verticroft and Maraie Al Khaleej are the two main farming companies currently operating in UAE; however, there share of total capacity is very less.
  • UAE strictly regulate the import and trade of meat in the country. Companies are allowed to import only Halal certified meat in the country. There are over 187 abattoirs approved by UAE Govt. to export meat to UAE. Live sheep farming also require the permit from ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
  • Sheep farming in UAE is an attractive investment opportunity as the market has significant demand-supply gap and no domestic competitor can support the domestic demand.

Table of Content:

Research objective, Market Definitions, and Research Approach,

Executive Summary

  • Market overview
  • Competition overview
  • Conclusion and Recommendation

UAE Macroeconomic Overview

  • GDP
    • By Sector
    • Per capita
  • Inflation rate and unemployment
  • Demographics
    • Population by age group
    • Population by nationality

UAE food supply overview

  • Seasonality
  • Key consumption locations

Food consumption pattern (per capita)

  • Animal products
    • Beef
    • Meat
    • Poultry
  • Plant products

Lamb value chain in UAE

  • Key elements and current state
  • Distribution channel
    • Livestock
    • Fresh meat
    • Frozen/chilled meat

Lamb meat demand Assessment (volume and value)

  • Lamb meat demand (2020 and outlook 2025)
    • By food type
      • Live
      • Fresh meat
      • Frozen/chilled
    • By breed
      • Australian
      • Others
    • By location
      • Restaurants
      • Households
      • Others (include weddings, events etc.)

Lamb meat supply assessment (volume and value)

  • Domestic farming
    • Traditional farming
    • Industrial farming
  • Meat trade
    • Net Imports
      • Livestock
      • Fresh meat
      • Frozen/chilled meat
    • Key source countries

Pricing analysis

  • Livestock
  • Fresh
  • Frozen

Regulatory overview

  • Key regulations on farming
  • Key regulation on slaughtering
  • Key regulations on trade, storage, and retail

Opportunity assessment

  • Cost-benefit analysis by product segment (Livestock farming, slaughtering and fresh meat sales, frozen meat sales)
    • Investment
    • Infrastructure requirement
    • Regulation
    • Time to market
    • Profitability
    • Expected payback period

Market dynamics

  • Major market drivers such as increasing disposable income, rising population, tourism growth etc.
  • Key challenges such as shift to healthy food etc.
  • Latest industry trends
  • Customer drivers of choice / key attributes important to customer such as taste, convenience to buy, freshness etc.

Competitive landscape (top 5-6 farms)

  • Market share
  • Competitor profile
    • Company overview
    • Farming method
    • Farm size and facilities
    • Breeds availability
    • Breeding process
    • Key financials
    • Recent updates
    • Pricing
    • Key distribution channels


  • Market entry feasibility
  • Investment drivers and risk
  • Key success factors