Project Description

Market Assessment for Fruit Tree Saplings in select market in Middle East

  • The agricultural area in Jordan is divided into three zones: the Jordan Valley, the Southern Ghor, and the Wadi Arabia. The permanent source of water for the Jordan Valley is from the Yarmouk River and side dams and that for the Southern Ghor is from surface water
  • Egypt is one of the major producers of fruits in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); in 2015, it produced 13 million fruits. The high production can be attributed to favorable agricultural conditions, increasing internal demand, boost for international trade, and government initiatives to increase the production. Hence, the demand for fruit saplings is also high, thus providing an excellent opportunity for the client.
  • Agricultural land in Lebanon accounts for 63% of the total land area; the country has year-long cropping season due to its diverse geographical areas. Demand for strawberry saplings, which have 100% replacement rate, is high; moreover, with an increasing demand for almonds, its saplings demand is also poised to rise. Thus, almonds and strawberries offer great opportunities for the client to export its saplings to Lebanon. Saplings demand for all the other fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapes, apricots, mandarins, peaches, apples, and pears are moderate, thus offering moderate opportunities for the client
  • Unfavorable conditions for fruits cultivation; however, due to advanced agricultural techniques, Saudi Arabia is witnessing a moderate demand for fruit saplings of lemons, oranges, and grapes
  • Only 0.5% of the UAE’s total land area is arable; moreover, owing to its harsh climatic conditions, dates constitute the highest share (~83%) of the total fruits produced in the country. Unfavorable conditions for the cultivation of almonds, grapes, and lemons has led limited saplings demand, thus, limiting client’s scope

Table of Content:

International fruit tree industry landscape

  • International fruits trees markets dynamics
  • International Breeders and Nurseries Strategic Alliances
  • Market drivers and Structure
  • International Fruits Trees Association (IFTA) and its service offerings

Quantifying the market

  • Analysis of current and future supply, demand and consumption gap of fruit trees in the target market with the scope defined above
  • Size and value of the fruit trees market in the target market
  • The recommended market share for the proposed JV nursery
  • Value chain analysis

Competition Analysis

  • Analysis of 2-3 major international competitors currently serving fruit tree markets.
  • The marketing & sales models of the main players in the market

Market Potential & Marketing strategy

  • Analysis of the fruit trees market attractiveness
  • Potential target markets and customer analysis
  • Proposed value proposition
  • Forms of growing the fruits
  • Proposed Market Mix (Products, Prices, Promotion, Distribution)

Industry Analysis

  • Impact of government policy decisions (and also policy signals)
  • PESTEL Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Five-forces analysis